1. System requirements

To use phyloFlash you will need a GNU/Linux system with Perl, R and Python installed. (OS X is for the brave, we have not tested this!)

2. Download package

2.1 Download via Conda

We recommend installing phyloFlash and its dependencies using Conda or Mamba. Conda is a package manager that will also install dependencies that are required if you don’t have them already.

phyloFlash is distributed through the Bioconda channel on Conda.

# If you haven't set up Bioconda already
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge
# Try the following step if "solving environment" does not terminate
conda config --set channel_priority strict
# Create new environment named "pf" with phyloflash
conda create -n pf phyloflash
# Activate environment
conda activate pf
# Check that dependencies all installed properly
phyloFlash.pl -check_env
  • Avoid installing new packages to your base environment. Instead, create new environments with required packages as you need them.
  • Install packages to a new environment simultaneously, instead of adding them sequentially. This will prevent dependency conflicts.
  • In some cases, conda install can hang on the “Solving environment” step. This appears to be because of ambiguities in dependency specifications in packages on different channels (see this issue on GitHub). Setting the channel_priority to strict asks Conda to always pick the higher-priority channel first when installing packages. This requires conda version to be 4.6 and above.
  • We also suggest using Mamba as a drop-in substitute for Conda. It implements a more effective dependency solver and is also the default Conda frontend for the pipeline manager Snakemake. Simply replace conda with mamba in the commands. Note that the defaults channel should be enabled.
  • If you wish to use Sortmerna (optional) for extracting rRNA reads, specify version 2.1b: conda create -n pf_sortmerna phyloflash sortmerna=2.1b

2.2 Download from GitHub

If you wish to modify the source code, you can clone the repository from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/HRGV/phyloFlash.git
cd phyloFlash
git status

3. Check and install dependencies

Check that dependencies are available:

phyloFlash.pl -check_env

If you downloaded via Conda they should already be installed, otherwise you will need to do it yourself.

phyloFlash relies on the following software:

These tools need to be in your $PATH environment variable, so that phyloFlash can find them.

In addition, you will need R and the following R packages for plotting if you use the phyloFlash_compare.pl script for comparing multiple samples:

  • ggdendro
  • gtable
  • reshape2
  • ggplot2
  • optparse

Within R, run the command


4. Set up the reference database

phyloFlash uses modified versions of the SILVA SSU database of small-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences that is maintained by the ARB SILVA project.

4.1. Download pre-formatted database

Pre-formatted databases derived from SILVA releases 138 onwards are available from the following Zenodo archives:

NOTE: Prebuilt databases are not provided for SILVA versions before 138, because these are released under different license(s) that prohibit usage of the SILVA databases or parts of them within a non-academic/commercial environment beyond a 48 h test period. SILVA version 138 onwards is released under a more permissive Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Download, checksum, and unpack (example for release 138.1):

wget https://zenodo.org/record/7892522/files/138.1.tar.gz # 5.5 GB download
tar -xzf 138.1.tar.gz # unpacks folder 138.1/ in the current location

Specify path to the database folder with the option -dbhome when running phyloFlash (see below).

4.2. Format database locally

If you wish to use earlier versions of the SILVA database, or a custom database file, you will have to format and index them. This is done with the script phyloFlash_makedb.pl. Known contamination sequences from cloning vectors are removed, repeat regions which can have an adverse effect on sequence reconstruction are masked, the database is clustered at 99% and 96% identity to speed up mapping/searching, and finally indexed for the read mapper.

A full description of options for the database setup can be seen with

phyloFlash_makedb.pl --help

Download the desired version of the SILVA SSURef NR99 database from the SILVA website (in Fasta format) under the Exports subfolder of the respective release. The filename should be SILVA_XXX_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva_trunc.fasta.gz where XXX is the version number. Links to the last five releases:

Also download the UniVec database from NCBI.

Specify the paths to the SILVA and UniVec files wtih the --silva_file and --univec_file options respectively to build the database locally, example below.

phyloFlash_makedb.pl --univec_file /path/to/Univec --silva_file /path/to/SILVA_128_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva_trunc.fasta.gz
# Creates a new folder ./128
  • A new folder containing the database files will be created. The folder name will correspond to the SILVA release number and is parsed from the input file name (which should follow the SILVA file naming convention exactly).
  • The --remote option is no longer supported.
  • If you wish to use SortMeRNA in addition to or instead of BBmap for filtering rRNA reads, pass the option --sortmerena to phyloFlash_makedb.pl. This requires sortmerna and indexdb_rna to be in your path. At the moment only SortMeRNA v2.1b is supported.
  • When you run the main phyloFlash.pl script, it will by default look in the folder where it is installed for the subfolder with the highest SILVA version number. You can change this by specifying the path with the -dbhome option in phyloFlash.pl.

4.3. Set up a custom database with your own sequences

Users can supply their own databases of SSU rRNA sequences, or even other genes, in place of the SILVA SSU database, as long as they are formatted in the following way:

  • Sequences should be in Fasta format
  • Fasta headers should have the format {IDENTIFIER}.{INTEGER}.{INTEGER} {TAXONOMY-STRING} where:
    • IDENTIFIER is a unique sequence identifier which does not have spaces or periods
    • The difference between the two INTEGERs should be the length of the sequence, e.g. 1.1700 for a 1700 bp sequence
    • TAXONOMY-STRING is in SILVA or NCBI format, delimited by semicolons with no spaces (but spaces in taxon names allowed)
    • There is a single space before the TAXONOMY-STRING
  • The name of the Fasta file should begin with SILVA_{DBNAME}_ where DBNAME is the name of the database (e.g. CustomDB), and will also be the name of the output folder containing the formatted database files. This is because the Fasta filename is parsed by the script.

The database setup script automatically trims cloning vectors and other potential contaminants, and discards sequences shorter than 800 bp. If your custom database contains a gene of interest that is a different average length, you can change the minimum sequence length with the --ref_minlength parameter.